Available from 01.07.2025
Address: Jens Baggesens Vej 72, 3rd floor, room 3, 8210 Aarhus V.
- The room is 33 sqm (gross).
- Shared kitchen and bathroom/toilet with a total of 5 people on the floor.
- Access to the department’s paid laundry facilities.
Monthly rent: 3,867 DKK
- Kitchen usage fee: 102 DKK
- TV antenna fee: 262 DKK (can be canceled)
- Internet: 179 DKK (mandatory)
- Heating (on account): 205 DKK
- Internet investment repayment: 10 DKK
- Deposit: 5,000 DKK
- Water and electricity included in rent
To arrange a viewing, please contact the current tenant at +45 31310322 between 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
If you wish to rent the room, send an email to tildeling@bk-aarhus.dk – Important! Include the room's address in your application.
You will not receive a reply unless you are offered the room.