Guidelines studenthousingaarhus

You have to be between 18 and 35 years old

You must be at least 18 years old, and no more than 35, on the move-in date.

You can sign up/join the waiting list once you turn 17.
You earn seniority from the day you submit your application on this website.
You don’t need to be a student when you sign up but you must either be an active student or a prospective student within six months to be eligible for housing and move in.

If you are not a Danish citizen, you have to be 18 to be able to sign your contract.  

You must submit study documentation to us when you start your education

Send your study documentation (such as your acceptance letter, enrollment confirmation or your apprenticeship contract) as soon as you get it to

The following authorized full-time educations give you the right to apply for housing:

  • Higher education
  • Youth education
  • Vocational education

The following types of education do not allow you to apply for housing through StudenthousingAarhus:

  • Evening school
  • Individual modules
  • Folk high school
  • Danish as a second language courses
  • Phd.
  • Post doc
  • Trainee/Internship (you can apply for a dispensation if you receive ECTS points)
  • There can be other possibilities - contact us for more information.

If there is a break in your studies, you can still keep your application and continue earning seniority/remain on the waiting list.

Create an application to start your housing search

Your application is personal and other people cannot get any information about your user unless you give them an official authority to.

To start your housing adventure, the first step is to choose whether you're actively looking for housing in the near future or if you'd prefer to be standby on the waitlist.
You'll earn seniority no matter which status you pick, and you can always change it later under your settings when you're logged in.

Active Application: You'll earn seniority and can pick the housing options you're interested in. The earliest move-in you can get is 6 months before you start your studies. But no earlier than your desired moving in date. 
Standby on waitlist: You'll be on the waitlist and earn seniority. When you need student housing, you can change your status to "Active Application" and start picking the places you're interested in. Your spot on the waitlist depends on when you created your profile, not your application status.

You can apply for housing either individually or with someone else. If you wish to apply for housing both individually and with another person at the same time, you must create two applications: one for a single person and one for two people. You can have a maximum of one application of each type. You cannot replace or add a new co-applicant to an existing application. Instead, you’ll need to create a new application and start over.

When applying for housing as an individual:
As an individual, you can apply for all our housing options, but you will always be placed at the back of the queue for two-room apartments. Note that if you apply for a shared accommodation, the gender of your co-tenant will be random.

When applying for housing with someone else:
Two-person applicants have priority for two-room apartments and can apply for 1½-room apartments on equal terms with individual applicants. However, you cannot apply for rooms or one-room apartments. If two people apply together, at least one of you must be a current student or a prospective student to move into a housing unit. At Skovkollegiet (housing types 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34), both of you must be students to qualify for a unit.

Both of you must move into the unit permanently; otherwise, the lease may be terminated as it would have been obtained on false grounds. As a couple or friends sharing the lease, you are jointly responsible for the tenancy. This means that any costs arising from the move-out inspection will be shared liability.

Single parents:
If you are a single parent, you must create an individual application, but you will have priority access to two-room apartments. This also applies if you have shared custody of children. You must provide documentation, such as a birth certificate, maternity record, or a copy of a health card.

Remember to update your application if you change your address, phone number, email, or education. It is your responsibility to keep your application up to date.

Seniority (Your Position on the Waitlist)

You can add or remove housing options from your application at any time without losing seniority. (Note that it’s only possible to add housing preferences to an application with the status: "Active Application.") Your seniority is tied to your application, not the specific housing options you have selected.

You earn seniority from the moment you submit an application on the website.

There is no priority system; the only way to secure housing faster is by using the housing guarantee.

Your application/user will be deleted…

  • If you turn down a rental offer that you already accepted
  • If you turn down or do not reply to a rental offer 5 times
  • When you turn 36 in accordance with our privacy policy


In special circumstances, you may be exempted from certain conditions for obtaining housing.
If you wish to apply for dispensation, you have to create your user on the website first.
Afterwards, you must send a dispensation application, including the given application number, to RIU (The Regional Nomination Committee) by e-mail:

The application must include the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Education, institution, year of admission and area of study
  • Application (what are you applying for?)
  • Reason for your dispensation application. Remember that your arguments must relate specifically to your housing situation. Others cannot apply on your behalf.
  • Documentation from public authorities etc. (these must be sent if you are applying for dispensation from the waiting list). This can be for example, a declaration from a doctor, psychologist, or case worker. It is important that the material includes a professional assessment that supports your application.


  • Two room apartments are usually not offered to single applicants
  • Housing in the center of Aarhus is not usually offered, except in very special occasions. It is therefore recommended that you apply for housing in other areas of Aarhus.
  • The next RIU-meeting will be held as needed

If you are applying for a dispensation from the age limitations, and are under 17 years of age, you cannot submit a housing application. In order to apply for exemption, you must send an email, explaining why you want to move to Aarhus and what your future education plans are. If it is approved, you will receive more information about the application and what you need to do in the future.

Please note that if you're not a Danish citizen, you must be 17 years old to submit an application to RIU.