About us

StudenthousingAarhus (in Danish UngdomsboligAarhus) is a collaboration between Kollegiekontoret i Aarhus, the housing organizations in Aarhus and the majority of the self-governing dorms in the city.
This collaboration makes your search for housing easier, as you can search all student housing at one place - namely here on this website.
The collaboration is, with other words, only present during the application process.
Which housing organizations are a part of StudenthousingAarhus?
On the following list, you can see all the housing organization and self-governing dorms that take part in the collaboration:
Housing organization:
- AL2bolig
- Boligforeningen af 10. marts
- Boligkontoret Aarhus
- Brabrand Boligforening
- Domi Bolig
- Kollegiekontoret
- Ringgaarden
- Østjysk Bolig
- Århus Omegn
- AlmenBo
- Lejerbo
Self-governing dorms and other departments:
- Astridsvej
- Børglum Kollegierne
- Chr. X's Kollegium
- Egmontgaarden
- Ravnsbjerg Kollegiet
- Rundhøj Kollegiet
- Skejbo
- Skjoldhøjkollegiet
- Tandlægekollegiet
- Vilh. Kiers Kollegium
- Deas