Creating an application
1. When can I sign up and start searching for rentals?
You can sign up/create an application when you turn 17 but you have to be 18 when you move in to be able to sign the rental contract.
2. Should I choose to be 'Active application' or 'Standby on waitlist'?
Active application: You're activly searching for housing in the near future. The earliest move-in date you can get is 6 months before you start your studies. But no earlier than your desired moving in date.
Standby on waitlist: You're not activly looking for housing. You will not be able to add housing options to your application but you will still earn seniority. You can choose this application status when you're not looking for housing right now, when you don't know if or when you're going to study, or if you're taking a break from your studies.
Changing Application Status
1. How do I change my application status?
You can change your application status to either 'Active application' or 'Standby on waitlist' under Edit Profile when you are logged in.
Housing – and how to apply
1. Can I choose a specific corridor or floor in a dorm/student housing?
No. When you apply for a specific housing type, you are adding all rentals of that type to your application. However, when you have moved in, you can often apply for an internal moving and wish for a certain corridor, floor, room or apartment at the same dorm/residence.
2. I have kids. Which rentals are most suitable for us?
You can get an idea of the different places by reading the provided information on the website. You have to assess yourself, which dorm/student housing you find most suitable.
3. Can I apply for a 2-room apartment, even though I am living alone?
Yes, you can. But notice that 2-person applicant will come first in line for 2-room apartments.
4. What does the different housing types mean?
Housing types 01-09 are rooms.
The residents share a kitchen with some of the other residents. In some cases, they also share toilet and bathroom. It will be stated in the description of the rental. You can only apply for a 1-room if you have a 1-person application on the website. 2-person applications will not be accepted.
Housing types 10-19 are 1-room apartments.
You can sign up for these rentals if you want to live alone and have a 1-person application. Be aware of the fact that at Skovkollegiet you share toilet and shower facilities with some of the other residents even though you rent a 1-room apartment.
Housing types 20-29 are 1½-room apartments.
These rentals are equally divided between 1-person and 2-person applicants.
Housing types 30-39 are 2-room apartments (shareable).
They contain two seperate bedrooms and a entrance area between them that makes these housing types optimal for friends wanting to live together. These apartments are primarily prioritized to 2-person applicants on the waiting list and subsequently 1-person applicants. Attention: at Skovkollegiet these housing types are only rented out to 2-person applicants, where both are enrolled in a study program.
Hoyusing types 40-49 are 2-room apartments.
These rental are prioritized to 2-person applicants and afterwards to 1-person applicants. Note that these rentals are not necessarily shareable. This means that kitchen and entrance area might only be entered from one of the rooms in the aprartment.
Housing type 50 is either a 2½- or a 3-room apartment.
These rental are prioritized to 2-person applicants and afterwards to 1-person applicants.
5. Gallery
The pictures in the galleries are examples. Be aware of the fact that the rentals can differ in size and arrangement.
Living area
1. Living area
The living area is always provided in gross m2. That means that the shared areas, corridors, laundry facilities and so on are included in the square meters announced on the website. Look at the floor plan to get an idea of the actual size of the rental.
If you have any questions about the floor plans, please contact the housing organization that owns the rental.
Waiting list and waiting times
1. How to understand the waiting time
The waiting times are only indicative and depend on several factors, such as whether you are applying for a room or an apartment, or when you apply for housing. Waiting times are often longer around the start of the academic year.
We cannot predict when a vacancy will arise, as it depends on:
- How many people accept or decline a housing offer
- How many people are applying for the same move-in date
- Who updates their application preferences
Waiting times are indicative only, so we cannot provide an exact estimate.
Please note that two-person applications have priority for two-room apartments. The indicative waiting times for two-room apartments apply to two-person applications, so you cannot rely on these times if applying as an individual.
It’s a good idea to apply for housing well in advance of your study start, as waiting lists are often shorter.
2. What happens if my desired move-in date is exceeded?
If your desired move in date is exceeded, we assume that you want to move in as soon as possible.
3. How long is the waiting time if I/we have kids?
Families with children or single parents with dependent children are on equal terms on the waiting list with other users. This means that you will not get a rental faster than other 2-person users on the site.
You can see how much seniority your application has earned by logging into your user on the website. You have to compare that to the waiting time to get an idea of, how long you have to wait.
4. I’m pregnant. Do I get ahead of other applicants on the waiting list?
No, according to the previous question. However, please note that if you are a single parent, you have the option to create an application for two-room apartments (create a single-person application) from the 12th week of pregnancy. Remember to submit documentation in the form of a copy of the health journal.
5. When can I expect to get a rental offer?
You can view your accumulated seniority on your application on the website and compare it to the indicative waiting times.
Making changes to your application
1. I want to move in together with my friend/boyfriend/girlfriend; and I want him/her added to my application
It is not possible to add another person to an already existing application. If you wish to search for a rental together with someone else, you have to create a new application. You can have both a 1-person and a 2-person application at the same time.
You can only have one application with another person.
It is not possible to take over someone else’s application.
2. I wish to delete the 2-person application that I have, to create a new one with another person, or to get our 2-person application divided into two individual ones.
It is not possible to remove a person from a 2-person application to insert another person instead. If you do not want to search for a rental together anymore, you can either get the 2-person application deleted or divided into two different users. For more information read the following:
We want to delete our application:
You can delete your application yourself when logged into your account on StudenthousingAarhus.com.
We wish to get our 2-person application divided into to separate users:
If you wish to get a 2-person application divided, you both need to have a 1-person application. If you do not have a 1-person application already, then you have to create one. Contact us and we will help transfer your seniority to your 1-person application instead. Please attach student documentation as well. Note that previously used housing offers will be transferred as well.
If you already have a 1-person application and have more seniority on that user than the 2-person application, the shared user will be deleted and you can continue searching for rentals individually.
Non-smoking rentals
1. Non-smoking rentals
If smoking is not permitted in a rental or in the shared areas, it will be stated on the website under the description.
1. Rules about pets
Make sure to read the information given about pets on each rental description.
You can use the extended search options on the website to sort the rentals and see the housing options that allow pets. Note that the type of pets allowed can vary from rental to rental.
When it is stated that pets are not allowed that also applies to guests.
1. Furniture in the rentals
Most of the rentals are unfurnished. However, if there are furniture such as wardrobes, window blinds and so on, it will be stated under the description of the rental.
At Skjoldhøj Kollegiet, Vilh. Kiers Kolligum and Ravnsbjerg Kollegiet it is possible to borrow furniture by contacting the caretaker, as long as they have any available at the dorm.
Downpayment and deposit
1. I either have to pay a downpayment or a deposit before moving in. What is the difference?
If the housing is established after the 1 of January 1999, you have to pay a downpayment.
If the housing is built before that day, you pay for a deposit instead.
In both cases, you will get your money back, when you move again.
Note that any incorrect maintenance, will be deducted from the downpayment or deposit.
Termination of a lease
1. Termination of a lease
You can find a termination form on the housing organization’s website.
Get information about the housing organizations here.
2. What do I do, if I have signed a lease but am not admitted to the study program anyway?
If you do not need the accommodation anyway, even though you have already signed the lease, you must terminate the lease.
If possible, we will try to relet the accommodation.
When you terminate the lease, please make sure to attach the refusal from the educational institution (if you have one).
1. Can I get a dispensation from the rules and get a rental anyway?
In special circumstances, you may be exempted from certain conditions for obtaining housing.
If you wish to apply for dispensation, you have to create your user on the website first. Afterwards, you must send a dispensation application, including the given application number, to RIU (The Regional Nomination Committee)
The application must include the following information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Education, institution, year of admission and area of study
- Application (what are you applying for?)
- Reason for your dispensation application. Remember that your arguments must relate specifically to your housing situation. Others cannot apply on your behalf.
- Documentation from public authorities etc. (these must be sent if you are applying for dispensation from the waiting list). This can be for example, a declaration from a doctor, psychologist, or case worker. It is important that the material includes a professional assessment that supports your application.
Send your application to: RIU@kollegiekontoret.dk.
Two room apartments are usually not offered to single applicants
Housing in the center of Aarhus is not usually offered, except in very special occasions. It is therefore recommended that you apply for housing in other areas of Aarhus.
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