How do I get an offer?
You can receive housing offers when your application is set to 'Active application'.
Typically, we sent housing offers 1 to 3 months before you can move in.
You can move in no earlier than 6 months before your study start.
You cannot receive housing offers if your application status is 'Standby on waitlist'. You must first make your application active under 'Edit Profile' once you are logged in.
When we have an available rental, we send an offer to 5-20 people. If more than one person accepts the offer, it is awarded to the person who is highest on the waiting list for the specific rental.
If you accept an offer but have not heard from us within a few days, you have not been granted the housing. If you DO NOT receive a message, you have not been granted the rental.
You can see your rental offers when you log in on the website. You will also receive them by e-mail.
The contract will be sent to you by e-mail as well.
When you have moved into a residence but keep your application active, you will still be offered housing. Any rejections will still count towards the maximum of five for one application. Therefore, you should only apply for the options, you are genuinely interested in. If you do not update your housing preferences, you risk being offered housing in the place you already live. If you do not want to have an active application anymore, you need to change the application status to 'Standby on waitlist' or delete the application under settings.
Showing of the rental
It is not always possible to see the rental before deciding whether to accept the rental offer or not. A showing is possible if the current tenant has stated a phone number – in that case, you will receive the number when you get the rental offer by e-mail. You have to contact the current tenant yourself and arrange to go see the place.
If a showing is not possible, you can get information about the rental on this website or on the housing association’s website. You can also go visit the area to get an idea of the surroundings.
Yes or no to an offer
When you receive a housing offer, you must reply within the stated time period.
If you do not reply, we will assume you reject the offer (see below).
If you wish to change a response you have given to a housing offer, it must be done before the response deadline.
You will only get one housing offer at a time.
You must accept the housing offer directly on your application page, which can be accessed via the website (you are not able to accept the offer by calling us).
If nobody ahead of you on the waiting list accepts the offer, we will send a rental contact to you.
If you accept a housing offer but then receive a new offer before the deadline, it means that the first offer has been granted to someone else, and instead you need to consider the new offer.
If you have any questions, you must contact the relevant housing association, which owns the housing offered.
You application will not be deleted, and you do not lose your priority on the waiting lists when you accept a housing offer.
If you regret your accept of a rental offer after your lease is sent or your accept is passed on to the housing organization, your user/application on the website will be deleted. You must submit a new application if you still want to apply for housing.
Remember to register your new address at the National Register of Persons (Borgerservice) 5 days after moving in at the latest.
You can choose to reject a housing offer on your application page, which can be accessed via this website. You can reject four housing offers, but the fifth time you turn down an offer, your application will be deleted. If you wish to join the waiting list again, you must submit a new application.
If the deadline for replying has passed, and you reject an offer which you have previously accepted, your application will be deleted. If you wish to join the waiting list again, you must submit a new application.
When you have moved into a residence but keep your application active, you will still be offered housing. Any rejections will still count towards the maximum of five for one application. Therefore, you should only apply for those housing options in which you are genuinely interested. If you do not update your housing preferences, you risk being offered housing in the place you already live. If you no longer wish to have an active application, you can change your status to 'Standby on waitlist' or you can choose to delete your application.
When can I move in?
The move-in date will be either the 1st or the 15th in a month.
How long can I stay in the rental?
A Danish ministry sets the rules for when a tenant in a dorm and student housing must give their notice for terminating a rental contract. The main rule is that the tenant must give three months’ notice when:
- The tenant has completed their education.
- The tenant has left their educational program before graduating.
- The tenant has not completed their education one year after the expected graduation date of the educational program.
- The tenant no longer meets the conditions under which the property is rented.
Housing organizations check at least once a year that residents are still in education.
NB: There are special rental conditions at Skejbo, which is administrated by Aarhus municipality. Usually, residents can live at Skejbo for two years, but there is the opportunity to apply for an extension every two years, for another two year rental period. The maximum rental period at Skejbo is six years.
If you wish to terminate your rental, you will find a termination form on the independent housing organization’s websites.
Make sure to receive e-mails from us
Check your spam folder to make sure that you are not missing out on any e-mails from us like rental offers.